240 Names That Mean Evil – A Guide to Sinister Significance

The concept of evil has long fascinated humanity, often mirroring the complexities of human nature.

Names that mean evil carry a unique and intriguing weight, evoking dark tales and ominous legacies.

Whether you’re searching for a name for a character in a story, a fictional villain, or even a unique name for your child, exploring names that mean evil can unveil a world of sinister significance.

Here, we delve into a curated selection of boy and girl names, along with a detailed list categorized by themes associated with malevolence.

Boy Names That Mean Evil

  • Malik: Means king in Arabic but can also denote a ruler with dark intentions.
  • Devon: Derived from the word devil, it implies an evil nature.
  • Azazel: A name from biblical texts representing a scapegoat, often associated with darker connotations.
  • Daemon: A name of Greek origin meaning spirit or demon, with malevolent undertones.
  • Abaddon: Hebrew for destruction, associated with an angel of the abyss.
  • Seth: In Egyptian mythology, Seth represents chaos and disorder.
  • Draven: Deriving from draven meaning bold, it is often associated with dark, brooding characters in fiction.
  • Jabez: Meaning sorrow, often viewed with an ominous strength.
  • Vladimir: Slavic for ruler of peace, yet associated with tyrannical rulers in history.
  • Sin: A direct name that represents transgression or moral evil.
  • Lucifer: Meaning light-bringer, associated with the fallen angel in religious texts.
  • Morrigan: The name of a dark goddess in mythology, often seen as a harbinger of death.
  • Carnage: Conveys the meaning of destruction and slaughter.
  • Zagan: A demon’s name in various folklore, known for causing chaos and mischief.
  • Tiberius: While it signifies strength, it is often linked with the notorious Roman Emperor Tiberius, known for his cruelty.

Girl Names That Mean Evil

  • Sekhmet: Egyptian goddess known as the powerful one, associated with war and destruction.
  • Lamia: A creature from Greek mythology known to devour children.
  • Cleopatra: A name that evokes a powerful yet dangerous queen.
  • Hecate: The goddess of magic and witchcraft, often associated with the darker aspects of the supernatural.
  • Raven: A bird often depicted as a harbinger of doom; also a symbol of mystery.
  • Lilith: In mythology, she is often associated with night and darkness, often viewed as a demonic figure.
  • Nox: Meaning night in Latin, symbolizing darkness and mystery.
  • Circe: A figure in mythology known for her ability to turn men into animals, known for deceptive skills.
  • Cassandra: Though it means shining upon man, she is known for her tragic prophecy and dark tales.
  • Belladonna: Literally meaning beautiful lady, it’s also known as a deadly poison.
  • Tempest: Signifying a storm, it can invoke chaos and tumult.
  • Vespera: Meaning evening star, often connected to twilight and the mysterious night.
  • Bruxa: Meaning witch in Portuguese, it denotes a figure known in folklore.
  • Artemis: While primarily a goddess of the hunt, she has darker aspects associated with vengeance.
  • Isolde: A name linked to tragic romance and betrayal in various tales.

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Names That Mean Evil

Demonic and Malevolent

  • Lucifer – “Light-bringer”, associated with the fallen angel.
  • Daemon – Implying a spirit with dark inclinations.
  • Azazel – Represents a scapegoat, often linked with malevolence.
  • Lamia – A creature that devours children in myths.
  • Hecate – Goddess associated with witchcraft and the night.
  • Demona – A name directly implying demon characteristics.

Symbolic of Darkness

  • Nyx – Greek goddess of night.
  • Raven – Symbolizing mystery and foreboding.
  • Nox – Meaning night in Latin.
  • Tempest – Denotes chaos and tumult.
  • Bruxa – Meaning “witch” in Portuguese.
  • Vespera – Represents evening, often mysterious.

Names from Folklore

  • Medusa – A figure with a punishing gaze.
  • Cerberus – The multi-headed dog guarding the underworld.
  • Circe – A sorceress known for her wicked magic.
  • Sekhmet – Egyptian goddess of war.
  • Kalika – Depicts the goddess of destruction in Hinduism.
  • Morrigan – Goddess of war and fate in Celtic mythology.

Influential Historical Figures

  • Cleopatra – A powerful queen with a tumultuous legacy.
  • Vlad – Associated with Vlad the Impaler, notorious ruler.
  • Nero – A Roman emperor infamous for tyranny.
  • Caligula – Known for his extreme cruelty.
  • Tiberius – Roman emperor linked with dark tales of power.
  • Ivan – Ivan the Terrible, known for brutality.

Fictional Villains

  • Draven – Often associated with dark anti-heroes.
  • Scar – The treacherous antagonist from The Lion King.
  • Maleficent – The infamous fairy of Sleeping Beauty.
  • Jafar – The villain from Aladdin.
  • Ravenna – The evil queen from Snow White.
  • Voldemort – The dark wizard from Harry Potter.

Morally Ambiguous

  • Vladimir – A name linked historically with rulers that were both admired and feared.
  • Cassandra – With foreknowledge, often intertwined with tragedy.
  • Joan – While a figure of strength, often seen through the lens of unfair persecution.
  • Lady Macbeth – A character known for her ambition leading to moral decline.
  • Scarlett – Suggests passion and danger intertwined.
  • Dorian – Referring to Dorian Gray, epitomizing moral decline.

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Gender-Neutral Names That Mean Evil

  • Samael – “Venom of God,” associated with an archangel of death and destruction in some religious traditions.
  • Azazel – “Scapegoat” or “Strong,” a demon from Abrahamic religions who represents the concept of the fallen.
  • Ahriman – “Destructive Spirit,” the evil god in Zoroastrianism, symbolizing darkness and chaos.
  • Leviathan – A sea monster in biblical lore, often symbolizing chaos and evil.
  • Loki – A trickster god from Norse mythology, known for his mischievous and often malevolent actions.
  • Moloch – An ancient god associated with child sacrifice, representing cruelty and evil.
  • Mara – In Buddhism, the demon that tempted Buddha, symbolizing death, rebirth, and desire.
  • Belial – “Worthless,” a term used in the Bible to describe wickedness and often associated with demonic figures.
  • Nergal – A Mesopotamian deity of war, death, and pestilence, often considered evil.
  • Abyzou – A demoness in ancient folklore blamed for miscarriages and infant mortality.

Mythological Names That Mean Evil

  • Hades – Greek god of the underworld, often associated with death and evil.
  • Eris – Greek goddess of strife and discord, representing chaos and conflict.
  • Medusa – A Gorgon in Greek mythology whose gaze turned people to stone, symbolizing evil and danger.
  • Anansi – A trickster figure from African mythology, sometimes portrayed as malevolent.
  • Set – An Egyptian god associated with chaos, violence, and disorder.
  • Fenrir – A monstrous wolf in Norse mythology destined to bring about destruction.
  • Lilith – A demon in Jewish mythology, often depicted as Adam’s first wife who became an evil spirit.
  • Ravana – The demon king in Hindu mythology, representing tyranny and evil.
  • Jörmungandr – The Midgard Serpent in Norse mythology, a creature of chaos that will bring about the end of the world.
  • Apophis – The Egyptian serpent god of chaos, symbolizing evil and destruction.

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Literature-Inspired Names That Mean Evil

  • Draco – From J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, symbolizing the association with dragons and malevolence.
  • Sauron – The Dark Lord in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, symbolizing pure evil.
  • Moriarty – The arch-nemesis of Sherlock Holmes, representing cunning evil.
  • Voldemort – The main antagonist in the Harry Potter series, symbolizing ultimate evil.
  • Iago – From Shakespeare’s Othello, a character embodying treachery and evil.
  • Grendel – The monstrous antagonist in Beowulf, representing primal evil.
  • Macbeth – From Shakespeare’s Macbeth, a tragic figure led to evil by ambition and fate.
  • Mephistopheles – A demon from Goethe’s Faust, representing cunning and evil.
  • Hannibal – From Hannibal Lecter series by Thomas Harris, symbolizing intellectual but horrifying evil.
  • Bellatrix – A character from Harry Potter, known for her loyalty to evil and her sadistic nature.

Popular Names That Mean Evil

  • Damien – Often associated with the Antichrist due to its use in The Omen series.
  • Lucifer – Traditionally associated with the fallen angel and embodiment of evil.
  • Mallory – Derived from an Old French word meaning “unfortunate” or “bad luck.”
  • Mara – In Hebrew, it means “bitter,” and in Buddhism, it represents the evil tempter.
  • Jezebel – A name associated with wickedness in the Bible.
  • Lilith – Considered a demon in Jewish folklore.
  • Cameron – Scottish name meaning “crooked nose,” sometimes associated with a villainous character.
  • Tristan – While commonly used, it has roots meaning “sorrowful” or “sad,” associated with dark emotions.
  • Mallory – A name with a more popular but negative connotation meaning “unlucky.”
  • Raven – A popular name associated with darkness and mystery.

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Vibrant Names That Mean Evil

  • Blaze – A name that evokes fire, often linked with destruction.
  • Rogue – A vibrant name implying someone rebellious, with an edge of malevolence.
  • Raven – Symbolizes darkness, mystery, and the foreboding.
  • Storm – A name that suggests tumultuous power and potential for destruction.
  • Ember – Represents the glowing remnants of a fire, associated with smoldering danger.
  • Onyx – A name inspired by a dark gemstone, symbolizing protection but also darkness.
  • Ash – Short for ashes, implying something that has been destroyed by fire.
  • Jet – A black gemstone, associated with strength, protection, but also mourning.
  • Shade – A name that evokes darkness and the unknown, with a sense of foreboding.
  • Shadow – Conveys mystery, darkness, and something lurking out of sight.

Unique Names That Mean Evil

  • Calamity – Represents disaster and misfortune, with an ominous undertone.
  • Hecate – Greek goddess associated with witchcraft, darkness, and evil.
  • Nyx – Greek goddess of the night, often associated with darkness and mystery.
  • Dagon – A Philistine god sometimes associated with darkness and evil in later traditions.
  • Pandora – A figure from Greek mythology whose curiosity led to unleashing all evils into the world.
  • Vritra – A dragon from Hindu mythology representing drought and evil.
  • Asura – In Hindu mythology, a group of power-seeking deities often considered evil.
  • Deimos – Greek god of terror, associated with dread and fear.
  • Caim – A demon in Christian demonology, symbolizing deceit and evil.
  • Briar – Represents a thorny patch, symbolizing hidden danger and trouble.

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Traditional Names That Mean Evil

  • Judas – A name synonymous with betrayal and evil, derived from the biblical figure.
  • Cain – The first murderer in the Bible, representing envy and evil.
  • Herod – A biblical king associated with the Massacre of the Innocents, symbolizing cruelty.
  • Nero – A Roman emperor known for his tyranny and association with evil deeds.
  • Ishmael – Sometimes associated with being an outcast or having a negative connotation.
  • Brutus – A historical figure known for betrayal, particularly in the context of Julius Caesar.
  • Saul – A biblical king whose later life was marked by jealousy and madness.
  • Ahab – A king in the Bible known for his evil deeds and opposition to the prophet Elijah.
  • Delilah – A figure from the Bible who betrayed Samson, associated with treachery.
  • Pontius – Refers to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor who ordered Jesus’ crucifixion, symbolizing a pivotal act of evil.

Beautiful Names That Mean Evil

  • Lilith – A beautiful name with dark, demonic connotations in Jewish mythology.
  • Belladonna – A plant with beautiful flowers but deadly poison, symbolizing something alluring yet dangerous.
  • Circe – A sorceress from Greek mythology, known for her beauty and ability to enchant and harm others.
  • Selene – Greek goddess of the moon, sometimes associated with darkness and the unknown.
  • Isolde – A beautiful name with tragic, dark undertones, especially in the Tristan and Isolde legend.
  • Nerezza – An Italian name meaning “darkness,” with a beautiful, melodic sound.
  • Morrigan – A Celtic goddess associated with war and death, yet often depicted as beautiful and powerful.
  • Persephone – Greek goddess of the underworld, symbolizing the duality of life and death.
  • Maleficent – A name meaning “doing evil or harm,” popularized by the villain in Sleeping Beauty.
  • Acantha – A Greek name meaning “thorn,” symbolizing beauty with an edge of danger.

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Top Names That Mean Evil

  • Lucifer – Perhaps the most recognized name associated with evil, the fallen angel.
  • Damien – Gained a dark reputation due to its association with the Antichrist in The Omen.
  • Vlad – Often associated with Vlad the Impaler, the historical figure behind the Dracula legend.
  • Hades – Greek god of the underworld, synonymous with death and darkness.
  • Samael – An angel of death in Jewish lore, often associated with malevolence.
  • Morgana – Inspired by Morgan le Fay, a powerful and often malevolent sorceress in Arthurian legend.
  • Draco – Associated with dragons and villainy, especially from the Harry Potter series.
  • Raven – A popular name with associations of darkness and mystery.
  • Mara – A name that appears across cultures with connotations of bitterness and evil.
  • Azazel – A name with deep roots in religious texts, associated with being a scapegoat and malevolent entity.

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Final Thoughts

Names that mean evil offer a captivating glimpse into narratives steeped in darkness and complexity.

From ancient mythologies to modern narratives, these names remind us of the blurred lines between good and bad, light and dark.

They carry historical meanings, cultural significance, or simply an essence that evokes intrigue or fear.

Whether you’re inspired by literature, history, or mythology, these names can serve as powerful symbols of the multifaceted nature of evil.

Consider these names as they may perfectly fit your characters and stories, or even inspire your choice for a unique name with a storied background.